Saturday, February 14, 2009

More Uses of Google Docs

Reader Knaus has a cool idea for using Google Docs in class:

You can use the Google Forms (inside Google Docs). Create a form for them to fill out and it goes directly to a spreadsheet in your Google Docs. Perfect for feedback, exit slips, or quick information sharing.

Keep the Google Docs ideas coming!


  1. Knaus is right... I've used the Google form for both self- and peer-assessment rubrics (no more sheafs of paper to enter manually!). And we've posted links on bulletin boards to collect data from the school community. I'm also working on admin using a central googledoc for our daily information (who's away with what sport when, etc) to cut down on emails and such.

  2. Great idea to use this for interacting with the community. I was thinking of this for a church website that I'm working on (Prayer requests) but it would be great for inviting feedback from parents and locals. Thanks for the inspiration.


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