Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Student Voice

by Mike Kaechele

I have read various people online pointing out that students are ignored in much of the reform talk in the United States. We rarely ask them what they think or want out of their education. I will be part of a new school opening this fall run by the county wide intermediate school district. In correlation with our "grand opening" media day winners were announced to a student contest. Students had to make a short video of what they would change about education or what their dream school would be like.

Here are my two favorite ones: "If I could change education" and "What you want" (sorry I can not embed them here)

The students did not know that a new school was being launched. It was very cool to see how much of the philosophy of our new PBL school was in the videos.

What will you do to listen to students this year?


  1. excellent point and great videos!

    a comment about standardized testing verses project-based learning made by one of the student's made me think: "it's not what you know that will change the world, it's what you do."

    thanks for sharing.

  2. The students named our class blog Social Voice. At first it was a name. Over time, it became a mantra. It became a different way for me to think about how I lead my class.

    I did a similar project involving students sharing their thoughts on how to change school. It was a powerful experience.

  3. Mike, I think you would appreciate the conversation going on over at the Co-op Catalyst blog: http://coopcatalyst.wordpress.com/2011/08/22/blue-sky-wonderings-about-educational-transformation. I posted a link to your post there because I think it's a nice addition to the dialogue.

  4. Thanks Mary Beth, I read that blog but missed that post somehow. I will check out the comments when I get a chance.


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