Thursday, April 28, 2011

Question of the Day: Best PD?

Today's question of the day:

What is the best professional development experience you have ever had as an educator? Why?

This could have been something f2f, something online, a mixture of the two, something handed to you by admins, something that came from the ground up, faculty-driven, student-driven, driven by a desire to have a mad good lunch buffet...

Let' share; comment away!


  1. Park City Mathematics Institute.
    Unfortunately for the purpose of this blog, it was where I experienced the full use of paper, and how its absence shaped and inhibited the way we learn and talk about mathematics.

  2. I am just finishing up a year long, job embedded PD with the Powerful Learning Practice. Using powerful, free social networking tools, I've learned to grow my personal learning network. There are 6 of us participating at my school and we are just finishing up our action research project - building a collaborative culture amongst our teachers. It's been transformational for myself and my colleagues.

  3. I'm going to have to say, Edcamp Vancouver by a long shot. I've written about it on my blog, so rather than repeat myself here too much:

    To summarize: It was participant driven, entirely optional, engaging, and democratic.

  4. I'm with you, Renee - PLP (Powerful Learning Practice) has been fantastic! We'll be back next year for Year 2, and will bring another 6 of our faculty for a Year 1 experience!

  5. TechForum NY from Tech&Learning Magazine is always good. TeachMeet NJ was great. But the single best, most fun, PD I've ever had was Day of Discovery in CT last year. It was fun, informative, made great connections and learned alot (it isn't all about Discovery Education either).

  6. At the moment I would have to say that my best PD has been through Twitter and the connections made through my PLN. I don't think I've ever learned so much so quickly or so much that is relevant to what I do.

    I'm also completing a Master of Teaching at the University of Otago, largely through Moodle and that is also proving to be very challenging and stimulating.

    I'm interested in what others are saying about PLP on here too.

  7. Pursuing National Board Certification

  8. The most powerful PD I ever received was my first week as a teacher. It clearly illustrated that virtually everything I learned in college, taught me nothing. From then on, I figured it was piecemeal work with my own values as my foundation. I've managed to stumble through 20 + years keeping in sight my learning and doing my best to inspire kids to do the same.

  9. The best PD is what I set out to do each day...find new and innovative ways to connect with colleagues with similar and dissimilar interests. The best PL (professional learning) days are when I am able (in part) to make this happen; it usually occurs through live, informal, online interactions. Emergent learning that happens through open, diverse, autonomous, and interactive discourse has typically been the most rewarding for me. It's the similar process much like when traditional jazz musicians find those special moments when they lose themselves in the music.

  10. My visit to the Ron Clark Academy in Atlanta, GA was by far the most transformational experience I have ever experienced. At RCA, the approach to teaching and learning is different. The attitudes and expectations are different. A culture of honor is prevalent. Yes, there is great learning occuring at RCA, but I was just as moved by the spirit of the place.

  11. At a formal PD day on technology, the presenter stopped every half hour and asked participants on each table to share their methodology for the topic at hand. Rather than just the presenter's content, I left that day armed with copious ideas, strategies, resources from fellow teachers. My best learning comes from colleagues.

  12. Hmm...? Let me see. I can't really pin point one particular PD that has had an impact on me. However, I can say that any PD that has had me walking away having learned one new thing I can implement is considered powerful. Lately, I've been finding this on various webinars from classroom20. I love meeting and chatting with other educators outside of my district, and listening to new ideas. It has broadened my thinking and given me more of a world view of teaching and learning. Needless to say, I've been trying to nurture this attitude in my students.

    I also love the fact that I can choose the webinar topics that interest me and help me grow as an educator. I need that freedom sometimes.

  13. The Apple Distinguished Educator Institute was far and above any other PD experience I have had in my 20+ year career as a teacher. There is not a lot of talk about the Institute, as the focus tends to be on earning the recognition. That is unfortunate, because the PD was much better any recognition I could have received. I recommend applying for ADE, not for the recognition, but for the PD and community that comes along with it.


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