Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Ed Open Mic: Thurs 8PM EST

Sorry I haven't been posting lately. Been insanely busy using what hours the dog days of summer offer me to write a novel. Kid-sitting every day (which means a lot of field-tripping) all day and pouring sweat over a laptop in a public library carrel writing the book every evening all evening.

I need to finish this thing as I've got just a bit of writing time available; thus efforts at blogging have waned and I figure they will continue to be relatively slack until school picks up again. Will keep you posted.

In the meantime, we have another Ed Open Mic session scheduled for this Thursday at 8PM EST and we're looking for great topics. Do comment here and tell us what you'd like to chat about.


  1. Summer is for slowing down.

    I don't know how far-fetched this is or not, but I've started wondering about how to steal some of the same mojo that gets gamers hooked on learning and mastery. What are "alternate reality games" and how do they work? Are there ways of looking at a class/curriculum in terms of a game, puzzle, or "quest"? May sound ridiculous, but here are some notes I cribbed from @avantgame:


    Anyone else find this interesting?

  2. Charlie, I'm interested in incorporating alternate reality games into my literature/composition classroom. Not ridiculous at all. Sounds fun.

  3. I would be interested in gaming. I will be starting virtual environment simulations in a second language classroom this year. Also started building a first person problem solving game in Spanish.

    Charlie get's my vote.

  4. i like it too Charlie.
    i know a prof, a hs math teacher, an 8th grader, and a game inventor - that are all working on much the same.. i'll see if they can join in tonight.. here's our current collection: http://yourschool-designit.wetpaint.com/page/gaming+%28mindset%29

  5. Alternate Reality gaming is a great topic!!! I really like the idea of developomg a whole class as a game or quest. I will be there for Thursday night, espoecially if these are the topics.

    What is the novel about and how close are you to a draft? Ever think about interactive fiction? Love to read a draft and give feedback!

  6. Hi Monika,

    Thanks for the tweet directing me to this discussion. I am a game designer and run a media strategy and innovation lab for an agency at the moment. I have been working on a number different ideas of how to incorporate games into education (Motivational Design).

    Here are some useful links on games, education and ARGs:

    Wikipedia article on ARGs (good place to start): http://bit.ly/avcCnI

    Here is a ARG campaign I designed (never launched and I can't mention the client obviously): http://www.box.net/shared/jabk5yo8if

    Katie Salen is some to watch (along with Jane McGonigal): http://bit.ly/9EjMgY

    Katie Salen's Institute of Play: http://bit.ly/aDPjFz

    I hope this helps.


    Kes Sampanthar

    P.S. Love love love Interactive Fiction and think it can be a powerful tool for education also.

  7. So great to hear all this, and thanks for everyone's links and encouragement! I don't feel so crazy now...

  8. ...But now I've realized: I don't know how to participate in the discussion tomorrow!?

  9. @charlie Shelly will send out a link to the elluminate chat room that you can visit. The link will take you to a room, which will enable audio and text chat between all of us. If you have any questions, find me on twitter @mrsenorhill (if not on twitter, I can send my email address).


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